
Welcome to Our Practice!

Your first office visit sets the foundation for the type of care required for you to restore your overall function. You will be asked to provide information about your life experiences, challenges, injuries/falls, health & wellness concerns, your overall health goals, and expectations. Please understand that there is a fair amount of upfront paperwork involved with this process, as it is our intention to learn as much as we can about you and your history, as this plays a huge role for us to better understand your needs.


You will have an initial consultation to discuss your health-related concerns and potential options of care. This initial visit is designed to learn more about you, your current state of health and your expectations to determine how chiropractic, nutrition, and overall wellness healthcare can help you meet those goals.


You will receive a thorough physical examination, where we will test several physiological systems with an emphasis on the state of your nervous system. These exams, tests, and maneuvers will include neurological, orthopedic, biomechanical, and spinal range of motion tests. They help evaluate function, tone, muscle strength, balance, and coordination. These tests and exams will indicate the root cause of what's showing up in your body and how your choices can influence both - in the direction you desire.

Plan to spend 45 to 60 minutes to meet, evaluate, understand, and discuss your needs.

Report of Findings (ROF)

This visit will provide you with a detailed summary of our findings and hopefully answer any questions including:

  1. If we can help you and if so, how we can help you.
  2. How often you will need to come in and why?
  3. Expected Cost of Care.

After your ROF, you will be able to choose the next step on your path to your elevated wellbeing.

How you decide to use my professional care in your life is purely up to you. I am not a high-pressure salesperson. If you are ready to make the commitment to yourself and your wellbeing; then you are in the right place because I know I can be of assistance.

There are three phases of healthcare – I will describe them for you, I hope this helps.

1. Relief Care/Acute Care (aka: Initial Phase of Care)

Typically, most choose to come into the office because of some pain or discomfort. This is the phase that we chiropractors are most familiar with, it is referred to as: the acute care phase, where patients find some relief and an overall reduction of their current pain and dysfunction.

2. Corrective Care (aka: Maintenance Phase/Chiropractic Care)

The “Corrective Care” occurs after you have relief from your initial symptoms, and you realize that you don't want to fall back into the lifestyle that got you there in the first place.

3. Wellness Care (aka: True Health Care)

Once your body has fully healed, routine chiropractic care can help ensure that your physical problems do not return and keep your body in optimal condition.

Welcome to my practice, I am here to HELP!

I look forward to serving you!


Dr. Francis W. Dooley, DC